Faces of Suicide

Remembering ...

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Brooks, Shannon Rhea
01 August 1982 - 17 May 2012
Washington, USA

Our Remembrance
My sweet baby sister, what can I say, first and foremost I think of u everyday.
I'm jealous of the Angels, and all their time spent with u.
Wish for just one more day,
I could have that too.
I'd let u know a million times how much Im missing you, and the things we'd miss the chance to do.

I hope u know how special you are,
Beautiful with fire
Like a bright bright star.
Never fades, never forgotten, no matter how far.

I love you and I miss you and I need you so bad,
Shoot how many sister's do you think I had? If wishes came true I'd already have you back.

So for now I just got you a hummingbird for Mothers day,
wings out soaring high,
I look at it first thing.
I imagine it's what u'd be. I hope you are happy and free. One day we'll be sisters with no end.

Written by Fawn Brooks 05/17/2018